Need to Rehome your pet?
Skip the shelters and rescues and find your pet the perfect home!
Use Adopt-a-Pet’s Rehome Program!
Step 1: Click here to visit the Rehome website and create a profile for your pet(s). They will be posted on to be seen by millions of pet adopters.
Step 2: Review applications for your pet. The dedicated team at Rehome will give you all the help you need to select the best potential adopters.
Step 3: Meet with adopters! The Rehome team will guide you through the process of setting safe and pressure-free meetings with applicants.
Step 4: Finalize the adoption. Rehome will provide you with an adoption contract to protect the transfer of your pet ownership.
Pet owners pay Rehome a small listing fee per pet. Shelters and rescues can provide pet owners in financial need with a referral "promotional code" (coupon code) which discounts the listing fee.
If you are needing to rehome your pet due to a behavioral problem or concern, we offer free behavioral support through to help resolve your issue and keep your pets in your home with you! Please text “meow” to (307) 269-5552 and a certified animal behaviorist will respond to you within 24 hours (Monday - Friday).