About Us
Second Chance Sheridan Cat Rescue (SCSCR) has a mission to rescue and rehabilitate special-needs cats, provide free and low-cost spay/neuter services to the local community, and assist people who need help keeping their pets during difficult life situations.
Our rescue is no-kill, meaning we only euthanize animals that are in untreatable pain or suffering from disease. This also means that we must limit our admissions, and can only accept cats into the rescue when some of our current cats are adopted into loving homes. Visit this page for our intake and outcome statistics.
Vision Statement: The vision of SCSCR is that every cat in Sheridan County has a home, every dog and cat owner in Sheridan County has access to affordable spay and neuter services, and that every companion animal is treated with kindness and respect.
Core Values:
Excellence. We strive to provide the highest quality care and services to animals in our care.
Respect. We believe that all people deserve help in providing care for their pets.
Education. We want to inspire people to learn how to care for and respect all animals.
SCSCR relies heavily on public donations and grants to fulfill our mission. Please see our DONATE page for information on how you can help us save lives!
SCSCR has three main service programs, each with their own clients:
1) The Adoption Program aims to rehabilitate and find homes for homeless cats. Clients may include former cat owners who need to surrender their cats for personal reasons, as well as new cat owners who are adopting a cat.
2) The Spay/neuter Program provides free or discounted spay/neuter services for cats and dogs owned by anyone in Sheridan County. Clients are typically low-income residents who cannot afford these services on their own.
3) The Sanctuary Program provides free cat boarding to people who need temporary housing for their pets. Typical clients include veterans at the local VA Hospital, individuals checking into substance abuse treatment at local centers, or individuals undergoing cancer treatments.

“I have had cats before and they were all great animals. But our new additions are amazing. They are sweet, cuddly and you can tell that they have been treated so very well. Thank you! We love them so much!”
“They are very loving and caring people. They’ve helped me out so much with my two girls when I thought I couldn’t afford to have them anymore. If not for them my 9 and 12 year old felines would have been rehomed. Thank you.”
“They are the most caring selfless individuals I have ever met.”
“Awesome for the cats and staff that truly cares! Great people do GREAT things.”